Notice of the National Civil Defense Office on the Implementation of the Pilot Implementation Plan for the Reform of Civil Defense “Separation of Licenses and Licenses” in Free Trade Pilot Area

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Notice of the National Civil Defense Office on the Issuance of the Pilot Implementation Plan for the Full Coverage of Civil Defense "Separation of Licenses and Licenses" Reform in Pilot Free Trade Zones

 Civil Air Defense Offices (Civil Defense Offices, Civil Air Defense Authorities) of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, civil air defense offices of the central government agencies and central state agencies:

The "Implementation Plan for the Pilot Implementation of the" Full Separation of Civil and Civil Defense "Reform in the Pilot Free Trade Zone" is now issued to you. Please take it into consideration and implement it carefully.

 National air defense office

   November 30, 2019

Pilot Implementation Plan for Full Coverage of Civil Defense “Separation of Licenses and Licenses” Reform in Pilot Free Trade Zone

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the "Notice of the State Council on the Implementation of the Full-Coverage Pilot of the" Separation of Licenses and Licenses "Reform in the Pilot Free Trade Zone" (Guo Fa [2019] No. 25), and do a good job of reforming matters related to civil defense administrative licenses, in accordance with relevant requirements, This implementation plan is specially formulated. The relevant matters are as follows:

Guided by Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC National Congress, and conscientiously implement the "Separation of Licenses and Licenses" of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the Pilot Free Trade Zone. Reform the decision-making and deployment of the full-coverage pilots, implement the requirements for deepening the "decentralization of service" reform, and optimize the business environment, and implement a list management of business licenses related to civil air defense in the respective pilot test zones across the country to further improve market access. Improve the efficiency of administrative examination and approval, optimize examination and approval services, improve the effectiveness of supervision, effectively reduce the institutional transaction costs of enterprises, accelerate the creation of a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment, and achieve a high-quality development and a strong and consolidated modern civil air defense system Forged strong shield to protect the people provides strong protection.

Based on an in-depth summary of the recent experience in implementing the "separation of licenses and licenses" reforms on some business-related licenses, since December 1, 2019, in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hainan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Hebei, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and other free trade pilot zones implement a full-coverage list management of all civil air defense industry-related business licenses, according to the two methods of notification of commitments and optimization of approval services Promote reform by classification.

Third, the main tasks of the reform

(I) Implement specific reform measures.

① For the two permits of “Civil Air Defense Engineering Design Qualification” and “Civil Air Defense Engineering Supervision Qualification” that adopt the reform measures of “implementation of notification commitments”, the civil air defense authorities at all levels shall accurately and completely list quantifiable operations and exclude bottom-up clauses in accordance with laws and regulations. The specific conditions of the business license, the regulatory rules and the consequences of breach of commitments, shall be notified to the enterprise at one time. If the enterprise already has all the permit conditions when applying for a license, voluntarily commits itself and submits the materials as required, the relevant civil air defense department will not conduct substantive examination before issuing the license, and make a decision on the spot to conduct the business after the license is obtained; When the enterprise applies for a license, it has not yet met all the permit conditions, but voluntarily made a commitment to meet the conditions within a certain period and submitted the materials as required. The relevant civil air defense department will not conduct substantive examination before issuing the license. The license decision will be made on the spot. Within the time limit, the business activities can only be carried out if the conditions are fulfilled and the materials are supplemented as required. Relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities ’civil air defense authorities shall formulate specific notification and implementation measures for administrative licensing matters responsible for examination and approval at their respective levels.

② Regarding the “Certificate of Qualification of Civil Air Defense Engineering Protective Equipment Designated Production Enterprises” with the reform measures of “Optimizing Examination and Approval Service”, the National Civil Air Defense Office will take concrete measures to reduce the examination and approval elements and links, and extend or cancel the effective period to effectively optimize the examination and approval. Services to improve the efficiency of examination and approval and reduce the cost of office work.

(2) Innovate and strengthen after-event supervision.

In accordance with the principle of "who approves, who supervises, who is in charge, and who supervises", the combination of deregulated access and strict supervision is implemented, and the post-event and post-examination supervision measures of approval matters are clarified one by one, and supervision responsibilities are implemented. Promote the "double random, one open" supervision, increase the punishment for violations of laws and regulations, strengthen credit supervision methods, and build a joint punishment mechanism for "one violation and one limitation". Make full use of modern information technologies such as big data, deploy and apply the "National Civil Defense Enterprise Employment Behavior and Product Quality Supervision Platform", and follow the "Internet + Supervision" construction thinking to "exhaust all the enterprise behavior and key equipment quality of all defense enterprises" to achieve supervision Standardization of procedures and standardization.

04 job requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.

The pilot program for the full-coverage reform of the "separation of licenses and licenses" is an important decision-making plan of the State Council. The competent civil air defense authorities at all levels must fully understand the significance of launching the pilot program for the full-coverage reform of the "separation of licenses and licenses" in the free trade pilot zone, strengthen the organization and leadership, and arrange the deployment carefully. , Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and ensure that the reform measures take effect.

(2) Overall planning and coordination.

We will coordinate the reform of “separation of licenses and licenses” and other administrative examination and approval system reforms, “decentralization of service” reforms, and reforms to optimize the business environment. Relying on the national integrated online government service platform, the national "Internet + supervision" system, the national credit information sharing platform, the national enterprise credit information publicity system, etc., to promote the collection and sharing of enterprise-related regulatory information and strengthen the examination of applicants' related qualifications.

(3) Compact supervision responsibility. We must adhere to the combination of decentralization and management, and strengthen the link between approval and supervision.

Civil air defense authorities at all levels shall formulate and improve the supervision plan in accordance with the new changes after the "separation of licenses and licenses", update and adjust the supervision matter database, clarify the supervision content, supervision standards, supervision methods, strengthen credit supervision, and take responsibility for enterprises that have serious illegal operations and related responsibilities. Personnel, in accordance with the law, revoke and revoke the relevant licenses, implement market ban measures, and strengthen regulatory deterrence.

4. Pay attention to publicity and guidance.

Relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities ’civil air defense authorities shall promptly update the guidelines for civil air defense administrative licensing in the free trade pilot zone, and do a good job of propagating and interpreting the relevant policy documents of the“ full separation of licenses and licenses ”reform pilot work to further improve policy transparency, expand policy awareness, and form a comprehensive A good atmosphere for society to understand reform, support reform, and participate in reform.

(5) Strengthen supervision and evaluation.

Relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities ’civil defense departments shall closely track the progress of the reform pilot, strengthen supervision and inspection of the pilot work, promptly strengthen guidance and help solve problems encountered in the pilot process, summarize and evaluate the pilot situation, and improve policies and measures in a timely manner. Statistics of various work situations, and major problems should be reported in time.

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