Cathay Pacific continues to vigorously put on CCTV advertisements - take off in 2019

Upload time:2019/4/4 13:10:28         Number of visits:2161

[Cathay Pacific News] 2019 is another new era for Cathay Pacific Group after 20 years of development. In order to better promote the development of the group and build Cathay Pacific brand, over the years, the company attaches great importance to the three-dimensional communication of the brand, and constructs a multi-dimensional communication strategy of flat media, network and CCTV. This year is the eighth year of Cathay Pacific Group's advertising on CCTV. The breadth and depth of Cathay Pacific's brand have been greatly enhanced. Cathay Pacific's brand influence has covered the whole country. In order to further enhance the brand awareness of Cathay Pacific and enhance the propaganda of corporate image, Cathay Pacific Group this year, in addition to the seven sets of "Military Records" column advertisements launched by the central government, has increased the "New Observation on Defense" advertising, further increasing the brand exposure.

It is reported that Cathay Pacific Group's advertising film is based on the theme of "caring for life and paying attention to fire protection", and after several revisions and upgrades, it eventually forms the effect of character recording with three-dimensional animation, and visually and vividly shows the disastrous consequences of fire, thus calling on the broad masses of people to stay away from fire, pay attention to fire protection and cherish life. Support fire protection.

In recent years, Cathay Pacific Group has invested a lot of money to further enhance its brand competitiveness, jointly with CCTV, launched a large media advertising plan to show its brand strength. It is obvious that the large-scale investment has played an important role in promoting the brand awareness of Guotai Group. Since the introduction of CCTV, Cathay Pacific Group has won more trust from new and old customers with high quality product quality, rich product varieties and high cost performance ratio relying on its strong strength. To understand the content of Cathay Pacific Public Service Advertising Promotional Film, please pay attention to the seven columns of "Military Records" and "New Observation of Defense" of the Central Committee. The time is 20:28 p.m. and 10:07 p.m. and 16:25 p.m.


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